Many women and men think taking up a lower body workout means heading
off to the gym and chewing up hours each day.
This doesn’t have to be
the case.
You can train effectively using the hints below at home, while
travelling or even at work.
Developing a lower body workout routine that actually works for your
body can be challenging.
You may identify with some of the most common
obstacles that ordinary people come across when they decide to start
working this area of the body:
Limited access to weight machines and other equipment.
Lack of knowledge about what exercises are effective and which ones are a waste of time.
Limited information about different movements and modifications of harder movements.
Inaccurate beliefs.
Lack of motivation
Inaccurate beliefs and the lack of knowledge about what exercises to
perform are big problems for many people who want to start a good lower
body workout routine. One of the most common inaccurate beliefs is that
you have to use weight machines or other fitness equipment to work the
lower body effectively.
It's true that the machines you see at gyms can be great tools for
working the lower body muscles. But that doesn't mean that they’re vital
for getting in a great workout. Far from it. You can use the weight
from your own body to strengthen, tone and challenge the muscles in your
lower body.
Here is just a small sampling of classic exercises that can be
incorporated into a lower body workout routine with great results:
Stand with your legs about shoulder width apart. Have your
hands either out in front or folded in front of your chest. Have your
toes pointed slightly outwards. Keep your chest out, your midsection
firm and head facing frontwards. Now squat as if you were going to sit
down, leaning into your heels, until your backside is inline or parallel
to the floor. Then using your thighs and butt push yourself back up
again. Do not lock your knees out when returning to standing position.
Keep your knees soft and the movement flowing. Continue with the second
squat, then third etc until you have completed the set.
Stand with your feet together. Keep your chest out and
midsection firm, do not arch your back. With your hands on your hips or
by your sides, step forward with a large stride. Bend both your knees.
Your front leg should be at a 90 degree angle (your knee and shin should
be in a straight line with your ankle). Your back leg should be
extended behind you and your knee should be nearly touching the floor.
Now with your front foot push up carefully to starting position. Keep
yourself steady throughout the exercise. After you have performed the
required amount of reps on that leg, swap to the other leg.
Step-Ups, along with various floor and mat exercises.
With just these exercises alone you can create a lower body workout
routine that is very effective for sculpting and shaping your legs,
hips, butt and thighs. And of course there are modifications you can
also implement for each of these movements.
For instance, you can do a variety of different types of squats to target different lower body muscles in different ways:
Sumo squats with your legs very wide apart, squats with legs placed
together, single-legged squats that exhaust the muscles one side at a
Including a wide variety of floor exercises that mimic the work done
on larger weight machines can really work wonders for your thighs and
butt. You may need to do more reps than you would do of a movement with
weight machines
, but a lower body workout routine using only body weight can be highly effective.
Those who don't want to add bulk to the thighs and butt are often
better off working with very light weight or no weight at all with this
area of the body.
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