One of the biggest misconceptions among gym-goers is that killer ab
workouts are an important component of gut-wrenching exercise.
Television is littered with infomercials that claim their "new" version
of the infamous ab-blaster will shred your midsection, giving you
washboard abs. The truth of the matter is that performing an extraneous
number of crunches won't get you ripped. Conventional wisdom points
toward intense bouts of abdominal exercise as being the answer
to helping you gain the flashy six-pack you so often see in the movies,
but cardiovascular exercise must be performed to burn the excess layer
of fat engulfing your midsection.
Understanding the Benefits of Cardiovascular Activity
important to realize your abs are exercised during most workout
activities. It's true that abdominal exercise specifically targets the
muscles in your midsection, but other forms of exercise force the same
muscles to contract, fueling strength development. A decent number of
gym-goers will do whatever it takes to avoid engaging intense bouts of
cardio, but these modes of exercise will help you achieve your goal of
attaining a trimmer midsection much faster than any other form of
exercise. Cardio activity will also help you burn fat. You don't
necessarily need to run five miles per day on a treadmill to shred
excess body fat. Other cardiovascular exercises, such as swimming, can help you reach your goal.
Benefits of Killer Ab Workouts
ab workouts won't get you ripped, but that doesn't mean they're not
beneficial. Maintaining a strong midsection is important for fitness
longevity. Believe it or not, you use your abs in practically every
aspect of your everyday life. From sitting in a desk chair at the office
to walking down the street for a cup of coffee, you are constantly
using your abdominal muscles. Intense ab exercise demands frequent
repetition of various movements that strengthen the core muscles.
Execution of killer ab workouts can improve your posture
and enable you to better perform other types of exercise, such as
running and weightlifting. However, a 2011 study conducted by the
Department of Kinesiology and Health Education at Southern Illinois
University proves that repeated ab exercise has minimal effect on reducing the presence of subcutaneous fatty tissues in the body.
Selecting the Most Effective Ab Exercises
don't need to dial an 800-number or spend an hour on an exercise mat
doing crunches to strengthen your abdominal muscles. Strengthening your
abs requires proper execution of a variety of different complex
exercises, which can be performed either at home or at the gym. For
effective results, try performing a four-exercise ab circuit
that includes the pike walk, glute bridge with abduction, straight-arm
side bridge and Hindu pushups. These exotic-sounding exercises will help
build muscle in the core and back and also strengthen hip joints. To
perform Hindu pushups, place your feet shoulder-width apart with your
buttocks arched in the air. Move your head toward the ground while
bending your elbows. Be sure to keep your legs straight as you lower
your hips to the ground. Push up, lifting your head toward the starting position.
If you are seeking a more advanced workout check out TRX and some of the fantastic Core Strengthening and Shredding work outs form anywhere TRX Workout for beginners
Source John Shea Fitness Articles
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