
Friday 19 February 2016

Fitness Programs for Women: Four Essential Tips

Fitness programs for women are often wrought with bad advice and pseudoscience. It's no wonder that so many fitness programs for women utterly fail! There's plenty of great information out there, but it can be impossible to find amidst the gimmicks, fad diets, and ineffective workout routines. If you're looking for fitness programs for women that really work, try using the four following tips.

1. Lift Heavy Weights
Plenty of women make their way into the weight room now and again, but most are afraid that they'll get "bulky" if they lift too heavy. That's nonsense! It takes male bodybuilders years of dedicated effort to pack on muscle mass, and they've got testosterone and tons of food on their side. Not only will you not get "too big" by lifting challenging weights - you'll actually look better.
Lifts like squats, bench presses, deadlifts, and other heavy movements are great for stimulating your metabolism and packing on a little bit of lean mass. Whether or not you realize it, that's really what you want! The right amount of muscle gives you a lean, fit look that you simply can't achieve with cardio alone. Challenging yourself in the gym will also cause you to burn more calories, which means you get to eat more and still lose weight.
2. Low Fat is NOT Healthy!
Some nutritionists are still stuck in the 1980s' low-fat craze, but avoiding dietary fat is NOT going to get you the results you want. In fact, most "low-fat" products like crackers, pretzels, and other grain-based products will make it nearly impossible to get lean! They make your blood sugar levels skyrocket, which in turn causes your body to secrete tons of insulin - a hormone which actually makes your body store even more fat. If you're trying to get lean, ditch most of your carbs and eat plenty of olive oil, avocados, nuts, and even some red meat.
3. Ease Up on the Cardio
If you're going to start lifting heavy weights (which you should!), then you're also going to need to ease up on all of that cardio you're probably doing. Slaving away on a treadmill or elliptical is simply not necessary, and it eats up way too much of your time. It's great to do a few short sessions per week for your cardiovascular health, but hours upon hours of monotonous movement aren't going to help you lose fat.
However, there is a much better type of cardio for optimal fat loss: interval training! On a track, treadmill, elliptical, or exercise bike, simply alternate short bursts of all-out sprinting with longer bouts of active rest. For example, you might do eight rounds of fifteen-second sprints and forty-five second "jogs" on an elliptical machine. The whole thing will be over in under ten minutes, but the intensity of the workout will cause your body to burn more fat all day long.
4. Don't Under-eat
One of the worst things you can do in fitness programs for women is to eat too little. Your body is an adaptive machine, and it will respond to severe calorie restriction by slowing its metabolism way down. Have you ever noticed how lethargic, tired, and cold you get when you don't eat enough? Those are sure signs that your body is burning less fuel!
That's not to say that you shouldn't cut calories at all - your body does need a reason to use its fat stores for energy instead of your food. The key is to eat just little enough that you can burn fat while avoiding hunger. Focus first on the right food choices, and then start counting calories if you truly need to. Overall, it's best to take it slow and steady with your fitness programs for women and focus on losing no more than a pound per week.

Wednesday 17 February 2016

Make Your Gym Sessions More Productive And Comfortable In The Right Gym Shoes

Getting a gym membership can be exciting whether you are looking forward to losing weight and shaping up, building muscles or simply getting fit. Whatever your reasons for going for some gym activities, you ought to remember that the shoes you select can have effects on how comfortable and productive you remain. A good gym shoe is one that does not keep reminding you that you are wearing it probably because it is too hot, too tight too heavy or because it pinches. You need to choose the right shoe to make sure that you give maximum concentration on  the gym workout.

Grip – This is very important especially when you are looking for weight lifting shoes. Shoes that offer a flat firm grip on the floor or ground gives you proper form and they keep you safe from skidding when lifting heavy weights. It is important to avoid thick soled high tech shoes when in the weight room for safety and effectiveness in the activity. Always look at the sole of your shoes and the anti-skid features it has to ensure that you select a pair that is bound to offer firm grip regardless of the gym floor that you get exposed to.

Support – This is another very important aspect of gym shoes especially for strength training and cardio sessions. Remember these are activities that consist of side to side shuffling and jumping and you therefore should look for a shoe that has ample support. Wide toe box high top sneakers can be great choices when you are looking for optimal movement. Look for shoes that offer ankle support and arch support as well to keep the aerobic movements swift and safe for you. Shoes that are able to keep your feet from inward rolling are best for treadmill time  so make sure you pay attention to this supportive feature as well.
Comfort – It is definitely something you must pay attention to. Choose high top sneakers that have ample cushioning to keep your feet comfortable whether you are strength training or lifting weight. A comfortable gym shoe should not only be cushioned but also light enough and breathable for your feet so that they don't end up feeling overheated and heavy as this can slow you down. Comfort also relies on the shoe size that you select. Make sure your workout shoes fit comfortably. Avoid choosing very tight shoes or very large ones because either way you will have a hard time keeping up with the gym demands.

Style – You might be going to the gym but you definitely do want to look stylish. There are so many stylish sneakers you can choose for your gym workouts so you do not have to compromise your sense of style just because you are hitting the gym, go for workout high tops! When you take time to weigh your options, you will find a gym shoe you love and one that matches your personality. Love the shoe to enjoy wearing it to the gym.
Bodybuilding sneakers are very important for any gym workout. Ensure you remain safe, productive and comfortable by selecting excellent gym shoes that have all important features included and get the right fit for your feet.


Monday 15 February 2016

Muscle Cramps: Unmasking the Fitness Dilemma

The article talks about the occurrence of muscle cramps among individuals who want stay fit and improve their health. Rather than taking medication and drugs to treat muscle cramps, individuals are advised to make adjustments in their training routine and diets to lessen the development of muscle cramps.
People nowadays are becoming more conscious about their health, recognizing the importance of exercise and physical activities in their lives. Many have been integrating exercises like jogging, skipping ropes, brisk walking, and other similar exercises in their daily routines. However, there are instances that people who exercise, especially those who run or jog, can be vulnerable to muscle cramps. Muscle cramps are the involuntary and forcible contraction of the muscles. These cramps can be related to a part of a muscle, the entire muscle, or a group of muscles. It may occur many times before it is relieved. Sometimes there can be simultaneous cramps that move body parts in opposite directions. Statistics show that about 95% of individuals experience muscle cramps at some point of their lives.

 Muscle cramps can be caused by different factors which may include poor flexibility, muscle fatigue, electrolyte and mineral depletion, excessive physical exertion, and dehydration. Electrolytes are minerals in the blood and other fluids that carry an energy charge. In addition to these causes, muscle cramps can be linked to some factors like improper breathing and unhealthy diets.
Muscle cramps may disappear on their own, but there are some things that can be done to lessen their severity and longevity. Below are some of the things that can be done to treat muscle cramps.

· Stop the activity that triggered the muscle cramp
· Gently stretch the affected muscle
· Keep the affected muscle moving with light activity (standing and walking around)
· Massage the affected area to aid blood flow

Making adjustments in one's training routine may help prevent the occurrence of muscle cramp. Improving one's cardiovascular fitness may also boost the flow of blood to the muscles. A strong heart may guarantee that there are sufficient amounts of oxygen and nutrients in the muscles for them to function properly. Stretching may also help the muscles become more loose and flexible that may stop the muscles from tightening and cramping. Stretching coupled with a good warm-up session may lead to increased range of movements and help prevent injuries and muscle cramps by prompting muscle recovery.
In terms of breathing and healthy diets, people who workout should make sure that plenty of water is taken before and while working out to replace lost electrolytes. Deep breaths should be done while working out to allow consumption of plenty of oxygen. Studies show that when oxygen intake is more efficient the following may take place: slower heart rate, decreased blood pressure, eased anxiety, and relaxed muscles. Workouts should not be overdone to prevent the occurrence of muscle cramps. Any cramping usually subside after a few minutes of rest but if individuals are having trouble with their cramps they should seek the advise of doctors of other health specialists.

Rather than seek for the treatments or remedies for muscle cramps engaging in proper pre-workout and workout routines may eliminate or lessen the occurrence of these health ailment. The use of over-the-counter medication to treat muscle cramps is not prohibited. But individuals who wish to try them should consult doctors before taking them and not self-medicate. Proper workouts and healthy diets prioritized rather than taking muscle relaxants and other medications to treat muscle cramps.
