
Friday 31 July 2015

A Brief Guide To Exercise Stretching

The majority of us spend a large chunk of our day in a seated position. Think about it, you sleep for 7-8 hours and most of that may be in the foetal position, you get up maybe drive to a seated position and then get behind a desk, when you get home you sit in front of the TV to unwind. Added to this if you do take some time out for exercise, can you honestly say that you finish your session with a good stretching routine? Just think of your poor bunched up muscles crying out for a BIG stretch!

I realise that I've just made a big generalisation but it hopefully helps you to understand where I'm coming from. There are many forms of stretching and much opinion of when it's better to stretch, before exercise, during, after or none at all! Some people think that we should stretch whether we exercise or not and others don't. So it can be confusing.
To keep it simple this advice is aimed at those who want to carry out a static stretching routine on its own and not before or after an exercise session. I don't intend to add any new theories to this debate but what I do want to do is to keep it clear and and concise, so read on!

Benefits of Stretching:

* Can improve your flexibility. 
* Helps you to relax. 
* Reduces the risk of joint sprain or muscle strain. 
* Can reduce the risk of back problems. 
* Can reduce post exercise muscle soreness. 
* Can reduce tension in the muscle.
Warming Up. Before starting your stretch routine I would recommend that you 'warm up' your muscles prior to doing so. Stretching is often mistakenly thought of as a sufficient way of warming up your muscles but its important realise that a gentle warm up prior to stretching is a safer option as your warm up routine will increase blood flow to your muscles and therefore reduce the chance of injury prior to stretching.

A gentle warm up should consist of light rotation of the joints such as the shoulders, hips, knees and ankles followed by gentle to brisk walking or walking/jogging on the spot. This should last approximately 5 minutes or so until you feel warm and slightly out of breath.
Types of Stretches. Stretches can be split into 5 different techniques: Static, Ballistic, Passive, Ballistic/Dynamic and Proprioceptive. If you are a beginner I would recommend the simplest and easiest technique to ease you gently into it which is the Static stretch where you stretch the muscle to a point where you feel the tension and holding the stretch for approximately 15-20 seconds.
Static stretching can improve your flexibility over time and is one of the safest forms of stretching. Good luck with your journey to improved flexibility!


Wednesday 29 July 2015


Feeling sore? If so, you might not feel like moving, but in general that’s not the best thing. Passive recovery means stillness and inactivity. By contrast, active recovery means being active in a way that promotes recovery rather than intensity. But which type of recovery is better?

To effectively answer that question, let’s first examine soreness in a user-friendly way. In general, there are two types:

That general sense of heaviness or tiredness in muscles that let you know you did something challenging but this feeling is not painful, and does not limit your movements.
An intense soreness and discomfort during movement that almost makes you regret exercising in the first place. This type of soreness is a sign of severe damage.
Many people—especially people who love intense exercise—mistakenly keep chasing soreness #2, but the soreness described in #1 is the sweet spot of exercise intensity. You can tell you did something valuable, but you still feel good while your body recovers.

One more time, just so we are clear: Soreness #2 = bad. Soreness #1 = good.

The day after some spirited sport play or a tough workout, you may rise feeling sluggish and is if your limbs are made of concrete. This is never a good feeling. But you’ll notice that after you’ve been up and moving for a few minutes, you’re feeling a bit better. You may not feel like moving much, but it’s likely a good idea.
Passive recovery involves doing almost nothing and is only warranted in the case of certain types of injury.

Active recovery, however, can include any of the following:

Massage – either self-massage or professional
Mobility exercises – moving through a full range of motion, but avoiding long holds as in stretching
General light physical activity – something in between passive rest and a workout
Whether by the skilled hands of a professional or from using the many terrific tools and methods for self-massage on your own, massage can enhance recovery by increasing circulation. Our bodies are like large skin bags full of water. When we compress a part of the body, we squeeze out “old” fluid that carries the waste products of muscle breakdown. When we release that pressure, fresh blood comes in to deliver the nutrients and warmth to help with repair and rebuilding.

Mobility exercises use the full range of motion around a joint to pump more blood through the muscle. This allows you to enhance blood flow to all the muscles surrounding a joint without overloading any of the muscles because most mobility exercises are simply unloaded or performed using minimal body weight.

The most important type of active recovery is general light physical activity. Because there is a wide range of abilities and current fitness levels among people, defining “light” in clear terms is difficult, but you can think of it as any physical activity that increases circulation without introducing muscular challenge.

For example, take a walk, toss a ball around, go for a light bike ride, kick a ball around, fly a kite—whatever enhances blood flow without bringing a big challenge to the muscles will fulfill the requirements of this type of physical activity.

Side note: Ice baths or contrast water therapy (alternating between cold and warm water) are sometimes employed as a recovery strategy. The research is mixed on the benefits of these strategies, with some studies finding them to help and others finding them to increase soreness perceptions following strenuous exercise. I don’t typically recommend people try these, but if you have tried them and found they work for you, then carry on.

Muscles and joints love circulation. And they really love it when they need more of it. And they need more of it when they are recovering from a challenging workout.

The next time you’re feeling crushed after a hard workout, remember that difference in feeling you get when you awake stiff and then feel better after getting up and moving for a couple of minutes. That simple and common reminder is all you will need to know that a little moving brings the blood and the circulation is what you’re really after—not the soreness.

Source : Jonathan Ross Health and Fitness Expert| ACE

Monday 27 July 2015

The Benefits Of Early Morning Running Exercise

If the thought of exercising in the crack of dawn only makes you wish to hit that snooze button much more, reconsider. Exercise sets the interest rate of your day. Starting off your entire day with a bang might give you a healthier mindset which means you make healthier food choices during the day. Learn about the perks of exercising at the start of the morning. It might prevent you from making excuses and keep you motivated to get out of bed, put on your sneakers and build up a sweat.

 It's a Consistent Workout

A large barrier to getting enough being active is often the fact that its hard to fit it right into a daily schedule. Its extra hard for those who have kids, work unpredictable hours, and have a somewhat spontaneous social life. Should you commit to working out in the morning, however, you’re way not as likely to have the excuse of things just appearing. Plus, you wont be exhausted from the rough day at the office. Actually, people who work out in the morning have been shown stick to their exercise plans much better than people who plan to exercise in the evening.

Habit Forming

Everyone has a morning routine. You might push the snooze button around the alarm clock three times before finally getting out of bed, or jump out of bed and head toward the coffee pot. Many people may shower before breakfast or their habit would be to shower after they eat. Your routines end up part of your nature. Exercise may become part of your morning routine and something of the most healthy habits you are able to develop. Those who exercise midday or in the evening may find that occasionally they're dissuaded from exercising due to unforeseen events. Working late or high-traffic after work might make you late for the session at the gym, so you choose to skip exercising. Exercising each morning eliminates the excuses because of not exercising. Set your alarm for Half an hour earlier than you normally wake and walk for 25 minutes before breakfast every day. If walking isn't feasible, do some stretching and body-weight exercises inside your bedroom before you have breakfast. Make morning exercise a part of your daily routine, and soon morning exercise turns into a healthy habit.
Enjoy Better Sleep

For those who have trouble falling asleep at night, early morning running exercise may help. According to a study conducted by researchers at Appalachian State University, exercising at the start of the morning improves the quality of the sleep cycle and enables you to sleep longer at night. Avoid squeezing inside a workout close to bedtime as this raises your body temperature and heartbeat, which might trigger insomnia. Understanding that you have an exercise session scheduled for at the start of the morning might keep you motivated to go to bed early which means you feel energized for your morning workout.

Better Fat burning capacity

A study by Belgian researchers published within the journal of Physiology found that male test subjects who ate an eating plan high in fat and carbohydrates, and involved in strenuous exercise for 60 to 1 hour 30 minutes before eating breakfast, gained hardly any weight despite eating a calorie-rich diet. Morning exercise might not be for everyone, but the benefits may outweigh the hassle of getting up earlier for exercise. The body continues to burn fat and calories after arms exercise. Exercising in the morning when your body -- inside a fasting state -- burns fat more proficiently may improve your weight-loss efforts. While you lose fat and gain muscle mass, the body becomes even more efficient at losing fat.

More Energy

Exercise releases feel-good compounds like endorphins that enhance your mood and energy levels, an impact that can last well in to the afternoon if you get your workout at the beginning of. Plus, exercising in the morning will help you sleep better than if you exercise later in the evening, since you’re not receiving that extra energy boost as you’re attempting to settle in for the night.

Better Mood

Individuals who exercise in the mornings enjoy increased levels of energy throughout the day and improved mood. Exercise energizes the brain to produce endorphins. Endorphins are usually called feel-good hormones. They produce a feeling of well-being and sometimes cause the exerciser to feel a gentle euphoria, such as the a runner's high. Individuals who engage in 30 minutes or more of moderate exercise within the mornings can benefit from natural endorphins.


Sunday 26 July 2015

Difference Between BMI and BMR Calculators

Unlike Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) Body Mass Index (BMI) is determined by an individual's height and body weight. It is widely used to determine whether the individual belongs to a healthy weight group. In simpler terms body mass index is the value that represents the weight status of human body in relation of the amount of fat present in it. Similar to Basal Metabolic Rate now it is also possible to easily calculate body mass index using BMI calculator for men and women. Similar to BMR calculator, body mass index calculators are simple tools those can be used for figuring out the amount of excess body fat present in one's body and also have a clear idea of the risks associated with this excess weight.

Body mass index is calculated depending upon the height and weight of an individual man and woman and can be broken down into four categories - underweight (BMI less than 18.5), normal (BMI between 18.5 and 24.9), overweight (BMI between 25 and 29.9) and obese (BMI is 30 or higher). According to researchers and experts these numbers are just fine as a general measurement of obesity for close to 95% of the population. But traditionally obesity has been defined as a certain cut off in the BMI scale and judging a person's obesity depending upon only his height and body weight, which is done by any BMI calculator for men and women is probably inadequate and not sufficiently efficient too. For people who are overweight but still maintain a good health - there body mass index doesn't properly reflect the health risks associated with their excess weight.

BMI and BMR calculator for both men and women are now widely used by doctors and health care professionals as quick screening tools but the BMI calculator for men that is now being widely used also has a number of possible drawbacks users are required to be aware about. One major drawback of both BMI and BMR calculators is the fact that they don't reveal anything regarding body composition like the amount of muscle and fat present in the body. This is a reason that conclusions based upon the results of these calculators might not always be accurate and also misleading in certain situations. People like players or body builders whose weights are pushed up by their muscle tissues have body mass index that is pretty high but they also have only little body fat. Activity level of the concerned individual, body type and location of fat in the body, age and ethnicity are other factors those should also be playing determining role in Basal Metabolic Rate and body mass index calculation but the current calculators those are now being offered online don't involves this factors in their calculations and that is precisely the reason that the results they show are only accurate up to a certain standard and it might not be a very good idea to fully depend upon them.

Source Harish Shinde | GO 

Saturday 25 July 2015

Health And Nutrition - Fitting Fitness Into Your Busy Day

When it comes to health and fitness training time is always an issue. Some of us are busy, some of us are very busy, and some of us are so busy we don't even know which way is up. Sound familiar? 
If you are the kind of person who is on the go the minute the alarm rings in the morning to the minute your head hits the pillow at night this article is for you. If you have kids who eat up all your time and you dream of a little time to yourself, this article is for you. If you want desperately to get fit but other commitments are making it next to impossible this article is for you.
Here's the good news, getting fit doesn't take that much time. You need to address two areas in your life; exercise and diet. In fact, if you are stuck for time to workout, the diet portion is going to have more of a drastic effect on your fitness. 
Think about it, if you don't have time to burn the calories then you need to cut them out !

 Wait a minute! You are probably thinking to yourself that food is one of the only sources of pleasure in your busy day. I agree with you, it should be. Eating well better darn well also be delicious. If it isn't then you are doomed to fail your diet. So understand what I am saying, you will eat well but you must also enjoy your food. I am not talking about a radical starvation diet or diet extremes where you avoid carbs or fats at all costs. Your diet should be well-balanced.
Here are a few golden rules for your Nutrition and staying on track..
1. Drink 2 to 3 litres of water a day
2. Avoid processed foods
3. Avoid foods with refined sugar

Here's a last tip, if you are the type who eats a lot of fast food because you are so busy, just make better choices. Order water instead of pop with your meal. Have a salad instead of fries with your burger or sandwich. Have honey instead of sugar in your coffee. All these small choices made day after day will add up in the long run. 
Think about it, maybe you have been putting on 5 to 10 pounds a year for a few years. Not a lot of weight over the course of a year. This slow addition of fat has been because of all these small choices. So you don't have to make big changes to reverse this weight gain.
As for a fitness routine do one set of the following as you roll out of bed in the morning and just before you go to bed at night:
1. Push ups
2. Lunges (Take a long stride of a stance and do 1 set each for side)
3. Crunches (Remember to hold your hands by your ears, not inter-laced behind your head ‚ don't pull on your neck while you do these)
4. IF YOU ARE FEELING AMBITIOUS ‚Chin ups ( you can get a chin up bar that installs in a door frame for around $20 from most sports stores)

If you follow a simple fitness routine like the one outlined above you will definitely get strong. This will result in a sleek and shapely physique. As you lose weight and shed fat you will reveal this new toned body.
Fitness workout programs don't have to be a one or two hour ordeal. It can be and short and sweet if that is all you have time to do. What is important is that you do something to keep your body strong and performing well. One day at some point in the future you just may have more free time to join a gym or a running club or whatever you like to do. When that day comes you will be ready for it because this little fitness exercise plan and simple diet has kept you fit.
Don't put it off. It doesn't take much effort. Make a change in your life starting today.

Friday 24 July 2015

Guide To Perform HIIT Workouts

High Intensity Interval Training, otherwise known as HIIT, is a category of cardio exercise that is primarily worked out to melt the excess fat as well as calories off from your body. However, HIIT exercises are not just worked out to burn calories and lose weight. They are also considered beneficial to improve aerobic and anaerobic endurance, strength building, and enhance BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate).

In fact, HIIT training programs are regarded as effective for anyone who wants to lose their weight by burning off unwanted calories and increase the metabolic rate. Further, this type of exercise is also indispensable for athletes who want to participate in sport activities whose intensity differs persistently, such as basketball, soccer, boxing, and wrestling. But HIIT workouts could give you the expected results only if it performed in a proper way. Discussed below are some important tips that help for the appropriate performance of HIIT workouts.

Since HIIT is not recommended for beginners and people with heart diseases, it is important to consult with a registered medical practitioner and make sure that you are fit to perform HIIT workouts. 

For best results, it would be even better if you can seek the assistance of a professional physical trainer to help you choose and devise the most effective HIIT workout regimen. Further, when you begin the HIIT program, make sure that you do not overstrain or injure yourself, as these workouts are intensely demanding. Hence, prior to starting any HIIT fitness program, it is important to check that you will be able to work-out for at least 30 minutes without any problem or strain.

Once when you begin the HIIT exercises, it is vital to warm up as well as cool down for at least five minutes, after every HIIT workout session. This, in turn, will minimize the chances of injuries. Further, to help for speedy burning of fats, ensure that you workout as hard as you can in between the HIIT routine intervals. The success of a good HIIT routine depends on proper timing. As such, curtail your work intervals or elongate the recovery intervals on the basis of your heart rate during recovery intervals. Above all, if you feel any kind of difficulties in the form of pain or breathing problems, it is advisable to stop the exercise and calm down instantly.

Tuesday 21 July 2015

6 Simple Breathing Exercise To Deal With Stress

Breathing is something we all do during our life time. We all know we are going to die if we are not breathing. Breathing is a reflex action done by our body to provide the flow of oxygen around the body to the vital organs.

Wikipedia, online encyclopedia, describes humans breathe between 12 and 20 times per minute, with children breathing faster than adults. 
Babies may breathe as much as 40 times per minute. Adults normally breathe about 500-700ml of air at a time. 

Breathing is something we all do during our life time. We all know we are going to die if we are not breathing. Breathing is a reflex action done by our body to provide the flow of oxygen around the body to the vital organs.

Wikipedia, online encyclopedia, describes humans breathe between 12 and 20 times per minute, with children breathing faster than adults. 

Babies may breathe as much as 40 times per minute. Adults normally breathe about 500-700ml of air at a time. An average 14 year old takes around 30,000 breaths per day.
However, we can control our breathing. We can be more relaxed by breathing in and out so deeply. The more we allow our body to be filled by deep breathing, the less stress we place on our body and mind.

The more we practice our deep and controlled breathing, the more natural it becomes and we can call on it at any time of day to help us through those tired or stressed out moments.

With all the problems we have -- either we feel stressed out at work, or at the end of a long hard day and we can’t sleep, or if we just want a few minutes to our self -- we will find this simple breathing exercise really beneficial. 

Here are some steps to do breathing exercise:

1. You can lie down, sit down or stand up as long as you are comfortable. Breathe in slowly through your nose to the count of four. Breathe very deep until all your body feel expanded.

2. Hold on that deep breath for four counts, and then exhale slowly through mouth to a count of eight.

3. Repeat the breathing in – right down so your tummy expands. Hold on to it and then exhaling nine more times. 

4. You can breathe deeper once you get used to the above steps by leave one hand on your stomach and place the other lightly across the chest. Breathe right down so your tummy expands

5. When it can’t go any further, breathe in some more and fill the tops of your lungs. Inhalations and exhalation are the same length, eight counts each, without holding in between.

6. When you exhales, let the old air out from your chest then from your tummy. So, you are going to be relaxed.


Monday 20 July 2015

Using TENS to Relieve Pain: What is TENS and How Does it Work?

TENS is a contemporary, non-pharmaceutical pain relief treatment. The word "TENS" is actually an acronym for Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulator.

TENS is a contemporary, non-pharmaceutical pain relief treatment. The word "TENS" is actually an acronym for Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulator.

Its full name can be a little bit misleading, since many people associate "electrical" with shock and shock therapy. In reality, transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulator treatment, which is delivered through the use of a TENS unit, delivers a mild pulsing sensation, not shock.

TENS units are devices which deliver low levels of electrical currents topically (through the skin.) The device creates a series of pulsing sensations. The frequency and intensity of the pulses are controlled through knobs and/or buttons. The electrical pulses are delivered from the device to the skin through the use of electrodes. These electrodes are connected by wire to the TENS unit and applied to the skin, directly over the place where the pain relief is needed.

Depending on the nature of the injury or illness, doctors and therapists may start patients on a very low frequency and intensity of pulses. They may gradually increase that level if the patient is comfortable and the condition warrants it. Some units can actually be controlled by the patient, who can adjust the level him/herself to a level that is comfortable and provides the most benefit.

The length of the treatment itself often depends on the nature of the injury/illness. A typical course of treatment for acute pain (i.e. post-op pain or accident injury) lasts for 6-8 weeks, with two to three sessions per week. Individual sessions may last for ten to twenty minutes, and may be adjusted depending on the effectiveness of the treatment and the progress of healing. TENS pain relief treatment for chronic pain (i.e. MS, arthritis) may be delivered on an ongoing and as-needed basis.

This therapy may be prescribed to alleviate pain from a range of illnesses or injuries. TENS therapy may be prescribed for treatment of both chronic (pain that is recurrent, such as pain from osteoarthritis) and acute pain (pain that is the result of an injury that hasn't healed completely.) It has been used to treat tissue and muscle damage (i.e. from a car accident or sports injury), pain resulting from surgery, strains (i.e. neck, back), tendonitis, arthritis and more.

There is conflicting information on the effectiveness of TENS pain relief treatment. Research has only been conducted on a few specific types of pain, and in most of these cases has been shown to be moderately to highly effective. Effectiveness usually depends upon the nature of the illness/injury, and the overall health and fitness of the individual patient.

TENS therapy has become a fairly routine form of treatment for pain and rehabilitation after an accident or operation. A majority of patients who receive TENS therapy report at least a small level of pain relief. Many find the treatment very effective, and most physical therapists agree that it may significantly shorten the duration of healing. It is also an excellent alternative to drug treatments, especially when used on a regular basis during recovery.

TENS units are found in two basic types. They may be found in the form of a home device, which patients can use in their own homes as needed (or prescribed) rather than requiring a doctor's or therapist's visit. These units typically deliver lower levels of electricity and pre-programmed programs of treatment.

The other type of TENS unit is more complex. It usually has the potential to deliver higher electricity levels than home units, and therefore must be administered under the supervision of a doctor or therapist.


Saturday 18 July 2015

Bodyweight Calisthenics: Give Your "Cardio" A Kick In The Pants

If you are one of the people who believe steady-state aerobic exercise is the only way to improve cardiorespiratory endurance and burn fat, you're in for a treat. Bodyweight calisthenics are an excellent way to get a full body workout that includes the heart and lungs. I'll show you how to use bodyweight exercise in a second, but first let's talk a little about cardiorespiratory endurance.
Cardiorespiratory endurance is the level of ability your body has to gather, process, deliver and sustain oxygen to produce energy for use in physical activity. Basically, the respiratory system gathers and starts to process the oxygen. The cardiovascular system continues to process and distributes the oxygen. So, your cardiorespiratory endurance is the level of efficiency your heart and lungs have to sustain and deliver oxygen for energy.

So, when most people want to improve their endurance they do cardiorespiratory conditioning exercises (cardio) to improve endurance by "conditioning" the heart and lungs. Unfortunately, the form of cardiorespiratory conditioning usually takes the form of aerobic exercise. And bodyweight calisthenics are completely ignored! But the fact is, any activity can improve cardiorespiratory endurance if they are done properly, and bodyweight exercises and calisthenics are an excellent choice.
There is something important I should mention. The type of cardio conditioning you do improves over-all endurance. But, the increased endurance is most closely related to the activity used. This means if you ride an exercise bike, your cardiorespiratory endurance will primarily be improved for bike riding. This is fine if you ride a bike in your normal, everyday life. But this has limited application for most people who are involved in a wide variety of activities both in and out of the gym.

If, on the other hand, you use bodyweight calisthenics for your cardio conditioning, you are using a wide variety of movements and muscles. Bodyweight exercises and calisthenics more closely represent the movements of highly random movements encountered in sport, work and life. So, you could make a case that cardiorespiratory conditioning using bodyweight calisthenics is better for endurance improvement that can be used in and out of the gym.

Plus, bodyweight calisthenics use all the muscles in your body. Compare this to the predominately lower body exercises of jogging or riding a bike. So, using bodyweight exercises allow you to build a strong, lean physique while improving cardiorespiratory endurance and burning fat!
Just think about it. Let's say you do a fast paced bodyweight workout consisting of a circuit of bodyweight exercises and calisthenics. You'll simultaneously build strong muscles and burn fat while improving heart and lung function. You wouldn't even have to do a long, slow aerobic workout to supplement your training.

I hope this article has opened you eyes to the wide variety of possibilities available to improve cardiorespiratory endurance. You don't always have to do long-slow aerobic exercise. And the truth is, using other forms of training to simultaneously improve heart and lung power can prepare you better for the challenges of sport, work and life. Bodyweight calisthenics are an excellent choice for both building a strong, lean, athletic physique and building a strong heart and lungs.


Friday 17 July 2015

GPS Watches Help Monitor Five Areas While Training

GPS watches help individuals monitor several things at the push of a button. GPS watches can help an individuals monitor speed, distance, pace and calories burned while training.

Just a decade ago runners and walkers would time workouts and them have to figure out how far they ran/walked. If you didn't know the distance of workout you may have to get in your car, drive the loop and hope your car measured the distance accurately. 

Many don't realize that often cars are not calibrated accurately. This could mean the workout is actually longer or shorter than expected sometimes by a tenth or more per mile. This could significantly affect the result of the workout. 

The individual then would have to calculate their pace per mile by dividing the total time run/walked by the distance covered. If you wanted to see how many calories you burned during the workout once again you have to spend time calculating your weight, distance, speed into calories burned. The individual then had to keep track of all the data somehow. 

With a GPS running watch the individual simply turns the watch on and is off to start the workout. The GPS watch times your run while calculating your pace, distance covered and your calories burned all while you are running. This information is helpful in keeping the individual running at the pace they should be training at. The individual knows instantly if they are running too fast, how far they have run to the tenth of a mile and total calories burned. 

GPS watches are especially useful when you run in an area you are not familiar with. The GPS tracks your every turn in the city or woods during your workout. If you become confused just follow the plotted map back the way you came. 
GPS watches also store the data for future viewing. One can look back to see how far they ran on a certain day, week or month. The Garmin Forerunner Personal Trainer let you download recorded courses and compete against previous workouts. The GPS watches need to be recharged. The battery life of a GPS watches is usually between 10-13 hours. With a battery life this long it means you get several workouts in before you have to recharge the watch. The data stored in the GPS watch is not lost even if you let the battery die.

GPS watches help the individual monitor speed, distance, pace and calories burned during a workout so you can train smarter, more effectively and enjoy the feedback of the latest technology!


Thursday 16 July 2015

What is CrossFit?

It’s a workout methodology based on constantly-varied high intensity movements that help everyday life.  Why it works is because your body never adapts to any one movement thereby keeping the effect of any given day’s workout at maximum – and you never gets bored.  The intensity that everyone takes part in ends up galvanizing our supportive community.
I heard CrossFit is a cult.
No, if you have to call it something, call it a tribe.  Cults tend to follow blindly to a leader, tribes work together to the group’s benefit.  We do tend to be passionate about what we’ve found though because it works so well and so potently for seemingly all body types and walks of life.  What makes us different from the normal corporate chain, or “globo”, gym experience is that we develop a community spirit based on encouraging each other to succeed. We support and push each other in our efforts to achieve our goals.  There is never any shame in finishing dead last in a work out as you’ve already  beaten everyone that decided to stay on the couch that day. We are all in this together and that’s what makes CrossFit so addictive to so many people.  Besides, you will be amazed at your new level of fitness and your awesome new body.  You may find yourself spouting the virtues of what you found not long after you start as well!
Why are you better than my gym?
The business model for most franchised gyms (we call them “globo-gyms”) is they want you to sign up and never come in.  You may get a tour of the gym, or a quick overview of the equipment with a trainer, but, you’re on your own after the first one-hour session.  They aren’t there to ensure technique is good when the weight gets heavy or you get tired.
Further, you are as accountable to us as we are to you!  We believe in earning your loyalty, that’s why we don’t charge initiation fees.  WE WILL EARN YOUR BUSINESS EVERY DAY.  If you haven’t come in in a week, we notice.  So will the members you’ve grown accustomed to working out with.  Expect a call or an email, or even a friendly call out on Facebook, if you haven’t been coming in!  Of course, there will ALWAYS be a coach watching form in our classes.  This leads to less injuries and the confidence to best your previous efforts.  Plus, you can drop the bars and weights on the floor at CF Dynamo.  Our floors and weights are made for it!
For the kind of money you are asking for, why don’t I just go find a Personal Trainer?
You could do that, but you’d end up paying a great deal more.  Let’s say you find someone that’s willing to train you for $25/session and we’ll even go as far to say that they have every piece of equipment that you’ll find at CF Dynamo.  Even if you only go 3 times a week (we encourage 4+), that’s $300 per month, well over our price.  Also, you probably wouldn’t get the camaraderie, competitive push, and/or the support that you’ll feel working with others in a group setting.  If you’re finished first, you’re still expected to support everyone else that is still working.  So, when you’re done, you’re not really done!
I heard from my gym that CrossFit can hurt you, is this true?
Yes and no.  First, consider the source, they don’t want you to leave and they’ll plant fear to further their gains.  OK, so onto answering the actual issue, not dodging it.  ANYTHING you do in life can injure you if you don’t do it correctly, or haven’t taken into consideration your level of fitness, flexibility or health. If you’re spending too much time on the couch right now, that’s hurting you, too! Runner’s get shin splints, tennis players get tennis elbows, strength trainers get strains, basketball players get sprained ankles, couch potatoes get obesity, high blood pressure and coronaries.  At CrossFit Dynamo we will instill Technique BEFORE Intensity.  We will keep you safe by having a watchful eye on you during your entire WoD.   By increasing your strength and flexibility, we will actually make it harder for you to get hurt!  CrossFit done properly, is both safe and potent.
What makes it so different from all the other stuff out there (park bootcamps, P90X, gyms) that tells me it will get me in shape?
Admittedly, most of our functional movements and exercises aren’t ground-breaking or new.  However, the way we mix them up and combine that with knowledgeable eyes-on coaching, mobility and nutrition advice is NEW.   If you’re working out at home, you risk bad technique and probably not pushing your strength potential.  At an ordinary bootcamp, they vary exercises, but gaining  real strength may be an issue as well as certified coaching.  Gyms, may give you all the great equipment, but can you drop it if it gets too heavy? Or have the ability to gauge your intensity?  Is the coaching affordable?  Is there enough equipment available and is laid out so that you can maintain intensity safely?  Is anyone talking to you about nutrition?  Simply stated:  our dose of exercise programming is the most potent out there.  Why do you have to wait to get in shape?
What should I expect in my first workout session?
Fun for one.  Learning something new for another.  Saturday classes are normally Team Workouts of the Day (WoDs), so you’ll be paired with one of our veteran members who’ll help show you the ropes once initial instruction is concluded.  The Elements Course will have you surrounded by other’s new to CrossFit as well.  In each case, there will be a full body warm-up that we will walk you through on the WoD Board.  During the Elements Course, you’ll get a little “chalk talk” first, before the warm up.  Then we’ll go through the technique of the movements in preparation of the day’s work and any extra mobility work needed.  And then we’ll sweat.  Coaches will be on hand to ensure you are moving properly in line with the technique we just showed you so you stay SAFE.  After, there’ll be mobility work to ensure you remain flexible and injury free.
I heard that CrossFit is too challenging for someone like me.  Is that true?
One of my favorite quotes is this:  “If you think you can’t do something, you can’t.”  The person who told you CrossFit was too challenging for you might not be up for the challenge, but I’m guessing you’re reading this because other options have failed you in the past.  The answer to your question is a resounding “No.”  One of the beauties of CrossFit is that it is infinitely scalable, which means that we can tailor any movement we ask our members to do to meet your current level of fitness.   Every new member will talk to the Head Coach about your health history, current body issues, and your short and long term goals so that he can help you reach them.  Turns out that both Olympians and Grandmas can benefit from CrossFit, the only difference is the prescribed scale for the movements.
What does WoD refer to?  I hear everyone using it.
WoD, or Workout of the Day, is the list of exercises for a given day.  Since CrossFit is constantly varied, everyone is always anticipating what tomorrow’s will be.
What does Scalable mean?
It means we can adapt the work out to suit your, or anyone’s, level of fitness and ability. Scaled according to your ability!
Can I just join up for any WOD class?
Yes, as we teach technique in every class.  You may want to look into our Elements classes that teach you the elemental movements of CrossFit, first.
Is it true that CrossFit is only for elite athletes, firefighters, military and police?
Absolutely not.  Anyone can gain from the benefits of CrossFit. It is true that CrossFit was initially designed as a fitness program for firefighters, military and police who needed to have a level of fitness to be ready for anything (what we call the unknowable and unknown).  This level of fitness allows them to not only be able to save their own lives, but other lives as well. Everyone can benefit from being stronger, faster and more functional.
Do I have to train every day in CrossFit?
No, we encourage you to train intensely but also rest periodically to recover from the exertions as well.  It’s vital to keeping you healthy and allowing you to push next time to new personal bests. Over-training is something we discourage because it does not help you achieve your fitness or health goals and increases the risk of injury.  We recommend either a 3 days on, 1 day off approach, but we find that a 5 days on, 2 days off works better with most people’s schedules.
Is CrossFit a sport?
Originally, it was meant to supplement your life and make you better at your other activities.  However, is has, itself, turned into the Sport of Fitness.   CrossFit has its own CrossFit Games  with everyone having a fair and equal chance of making it to the elite finals.  Over 70,000 athletes participated this year!

Wednesday 15 July 2015

Kettle Bell Seated Shoulder Press

Clean a kettlebell to your shoulder. Clean the kettlebell to your shoulder by extending through the legs and hips as you pull the kettlebell towards your shoulder. Rotate your wrist as you do so, so that the palm faces inward. This will be your starting position. Look at the kettlebell and press it up and out until it is locked out overhead. Lower the kettlebell back to your shoulder under control and repeat. Make sure to contract your lat, butt, and stomach forcefully for added stability and strength.

The Complexity of Buying Running Shoes

Before the big names in running shoes created the modern approach in design and functionality, anyone who likes to buy a pair of athletic or running shoes would simply buy a generic brand and style common to everyone. 

All they actually have to determine is their shoe size, preference in color and brand. Other than that, it was simple and easy to buy without much trouble.

However, with concerns regarding injuries and constant research and development, many manufacturers like Nike and Asics have created modern running shoes to cater to every possible need of a runner or athlete. 

We all know how an athlete's career can be put on hold if he or she suffers a major injury on or off the field. The importance of having the right gear and keeping performance at its best are given more value in designing the perfect pair of shoes for every type of runner or athlete.

This may be great for many runners out there, but the whole process of buying, trying out different type of shoes and knowing your running profile and style becomes more complex than simply buying off the rack. Here are some tips on how you can easily determine which pair of running shoes to buy.

Answer the Where and How?

There are different types of shoes for various runners. Identify the common place where you run and how you run. Different kinds of shoes are used when running on pavement, treadmill, or challenging trails. You would also have to know if you need more cushion or more lightweight design to cater your running profile.

Many shoe stores and websites nowadays promote proper buying of running shoes. You can learn from there if you are a regular pronator or moderate to heavy pronator. Pronation is defined by how much your foot rotates when you run. 

The more your foot rotates, the heavier pronator you are, and there's a specific type of running shoes ideal for a type of runner. The idea behind this is to reduce injuries and muscle strain to be able to provide the best running experience and performance to any runner. 

A heavy pronator would need more cushioning to prevent excessive rotation or movement while regular pronators can benefit well from lightweight designs with less cushioning. You can check with a local salesperson for assistance when you're about to buy a pair of running shoes. 

Be patient. For a first-time buyer, it would take some time for the salesperson to figure out your foot type and running profile. 

Some stores even have a designated area where you will be tested on how you run and what your running style is. 

Going through this process may be a bit of a trouble for some, but it will be beneficial in the long run. You will be preventing future injuries because of an inappropriate pair of shoes, and you will have less to worry about injuries, blisters, and muscle strain.

The next time you'll buy your next pair of shoes, you won't have to go through the process again and just take note of your running profile and style for future reference. 

Knowing how expensive running shoes are these days, you need to put more effort in your choices. It might be complex now but finding out what's best for you will be more value spent for every dollar.


Tuesday 14 July 2015


For years only a finite number of dedicated fitness enthusiasts practiced a sure-fire method of achieving results from exercise: weightlifting with the heaviest loads possible. 

Most common gym routines are derived from the bodybuilding world and focus on moderate-to-high repetition ranges, usually eight to 15 reps, to increase the size of a muscle. 
Serious strength-training enthusiasts know that lifting heavy for five repetitions or less, while extremely challenging, is the quickest way to increase muscle strength.

There is a distinctive difference between training for muscle size—technically called hypertrophy—and training for strength and increasing a muscle’s ability to generate force. While lifting heavy can improve the force output of a muscle without significantly increasing its size, training for size can increase muscle volume without necessarily improving strength. 

Lifting with high repetitions can increase the sarcoplasmic hypertrophy of a muscle by increasing the amount of fluid in the sarcoplasm of muscle cells. However, using a heavy weight for fewer repetitions results in myofibrillar hypertrophy by increasing the thickness of individual muscle fibers. 

Sarcoplasmic hypertrophy increases the size of a muscle, while myofibrillar hypertrophy results in thicker muscle fibers capable of generating higher levels of force.

If you are looking for a way to supercharge your clients’ workouts or help move past them past a plateau, consider using a weight heavy enough to limit them to five repetitions or less.* Here are seven benefits of how using heavy resistance can maximize the results from your fitness program.

Training for muscle strength is different than training for muscle size. A six- to 10-week strength-focused mesocycle of heavy resistance and low reps followed by a six- to 10-week hypertrophy (bodybuilder) mesocycle of moderate weight for higher rep ranges can produce significant gains in both size and strength.

Using heavy weights increases intramuscular coordination, the number of type II motor units and the amount of muscle fibers engaged within a specific muscle. Have you ever felt your muscles shaking while lifting heavy weights? This is because you are recruiting and activating the larger type II muscle fibers, which are only stimulated to work when a muscle is challenged with heavy resistance or working to fatigue.

Using maximal loads for compound (multi-joint) movements like the deadlift, squat-to-shoulder press, bent-over row or chest press can improve intermuscular coordination, which is the ability of many muscles to work together to generate and control high levels of force through multiple joints.

Lifting heavy weights elevates levels of anabolic hormones—specifically testosterone, growth hormone and insulin-like growth factor (IGF-1)—which are used to repair muscle fibers damaged during exercise. This helps the muscle fibers to become thicker and capable of generating higher levels of force.
Lifting heavy weights increases production of the hormone IGF-1. This hormone is related to the production of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), which is a neurotransmitter responsible for stimulating the growth of new neural pathways in the brain along with enhancing communication between existing pathways. In short, lifting heavy could make you smarter by enhancing cognitive function.

Training with heavy weights helps you to improve your self-confidence. Knowing that you can lift heavy stuff gives you the confidence that you can handle common challenges, such as a putting a bag in the overhead bin on an airplane or carrying a heavy piece of furniture while reorganizing a room or helping a friend move.

Strength training with heavy weights improves muscle definition. Muscle definition occurs as the result of muscles remaining in a state of semi-contraction and heavy strength training recruits the larger type II muscle fibers responsible for a muscle’s appearance.

Source - C/O Ace 

Monday 13 July 2015

5 Helpful Things to Do to Start Your Personal Fitness Program

The most common challenge that people I talk to face is how to incorporate fitness into their lives. They know they have to do something to get in shape but they really don’t know how. It can be discouraging because of the abundance of information out there......

The most common challenge that people I talk to face is how to incorporate fitness into their lives. They know they have to do something to get in shape but they really don’t know how. It can be discouraging because of the abundance of information out there. 

So much that you may not know where to begin.

Our society has so many food choices that it is easy to pack on the extra pounds. Also our day to day jobs are less physical as they where 100 years ago so we have more sedentary life styles. We know there are benefits involved when we exercise and cleaning up or diet. However, most of us know don’t know how or where to start. 

So where do we begin? Or is the question: How do we begin?

try these 5 things to help you get started:

Make the Choice to Start Exercising and Eating Right

Making the decision to do something provides a form of commitment you made to your self. Deciding that you need to change behavior creates new possibilities. 

When you say to your self “I need to get in shape”, it means something. 
You should be answering these questions in your mind: 

When can I work out? 
What exercises do I need to do? 
What foods should I be eating? 

Make your self think about the commitment you just made. Only then you can let go of the past and take steps to move forward. 

Write Down What You Do

You need a reference that is realistic towards your weekly activity. Write down everything you do during the week. This should include work hours, commuting hours, nights spent with your spouse, your child’s activities and anything else you can think of that you do. You should also include what you do on weekends. You should make a list for each day of the week. Here’s why….. 

Some people set lofty goals like working out for 2 hours a day. This can be due to an old saying, “More is Better”. However, this is not the case. 

Knowing your schedule will help you set realistic goals and help you find a few hours a week to start exercising. You’ll have a visual perspective on what you can and can’t do with your routine. 

Research and Get Information

Most people do not have enough information before they start a work out program. So how do we get the information we need? The good news is we live in the information age. Take advantage of your favorite search engine and learn a little bit about fitness and nutrition. However, do not go overboard and lose focus. Find a source of information you like and take notes. Find the simplest and easiest workouts and nutrition tips. Don’t over load yourself with information, take a look at our Home Workouts and look at circut training 

If you have the money, hire a personal trainer for a few sessions to help you get started. Hiring a personal trainer is a great way to get started because you have made a commitment to meet someone to workout. Your goal is to have the trainer show you the basics on exercise and eating healthier. It may also be safer to learn how to perform the exercises (especially if you have not exercised for a while).

Create a Simple Plan and Set Realistic Goals

Keep it Simple! Following a simple plan while on a hectic schedule is much easier than following an elaborate plan. You should have a plan of which days you want to work out and one goal to change your eating habits for the next few weeks. For example, “I will work out for a half an hour for 3 days this week. I will eat a little less each meal.” Simple is success. 

Execute Your Plan

Now that you have a plan, all you need to do is follow it. This is another big step. You should look at your plan every day upon waking. You need be mentally prepared for the great day ahead of you. Having your daily schedule in hand will help you achieve your goals for the day. When you complete your workout for the day, highlight it or cross it off your list. It will show you that you accomplished something for yourself. No matter what you must execute. This will be the hardest (and most rewarding) step. 

I hope these things help you get started on a new life of physical fitness. Life is filled with making decisions, knowing your commitments, getting information, planning and execution. 

Try these approaches for yourself and you will see that having your own workout and nutrition program is not as far fetched or complicated as you think .. If you need help reach out to us HERE 


Sunday 12 July 2015

TRX Suspension Training-Questions and Answers

If you are looking for a way to get into great condition, build muscle and create impressive strength, the TRX suspension trainer is a challenging tool for fast and effective whole body workouts.
The TRX is a new form of suspension training that has a lot in common with gymnastics ring work, but allows the user to perform a much wider variety of exercises, particularly to enhance sport specific movements. The TRX was designed to place heavy demands on the muscular system for building muscle and increasing strength, while being easy to adjust to a lighter metabolic conditioning workout.
The best part is the TRX can be set up just about anywhere, from a hook in the garage, to the monkey or pull-up bars at the park, to a bedroom door.
How Do I Set up the TRX?
In the house, use the door anchor designed specifically for the TRX. the 'X' mount hardware from FitnessAnywhere, or a heavy duty eye hook screwed into a joist or stud. The TRX weighs about 2 pounds and fits into a small carrying bag, so it can be used anywhere you go and anchored to a variety stable objects, even your car door if you're on the road.
The TRX adjusts quickly and precisely to move from one exercise to another with minimal lag time. This also allows people to adjust the height for their individual needs. When setting up the TRX, be sure the mounting point is high enough to allow a full range of movement for the workout routine.
What are Suspension Exercises?
The diversity of suspension exercises is limited only by your imagination, but because of this, the movements are best put together in a comprehensive routine with a specific desired result. Some of the exercises performed on a suspension trainer are:
-Chest flyes
-Pushups at all angles
-Body Rows
-One arm pushups
-Atomic Pushup burpees
-Pistol Squats
-Bicep curls
-Tricep extensions and presses
-Leg Curls
and many, many more.

What Muscles Does the TRX Engage?
The TRX forces the core to stabilize or contract through multiple planes of motion. In addition, the entire upper body is worked either directly, indirectly, or in combination with other muscle groups. The hip complex, quads and hamstrings get plenty of work with exercises like the Sprinter's Start, Scorpion, leg curls and various lunges.
The suspension trainer excels at training not just strength and endurance, but increasing agility and mobility as well. As with traditional gymnastics work, the entire core is affected from every angle when using the TRX.
The difference is in the addition of comfortable foot straps that allow users to perform exercises like the Swinging Pendulum and pike, among others. People are often surprised at just how sore they are after their first workout with the TRX, especially throughout their midsection, but it's just that effective.
Can I Use the TRX as my only method of conditioning?
Theoretically, yes. But as with any piece of equipment, your body will eventually adapt and need a change to continue progressing. No one method does it all, and the TRX should be combined with any other tools or forms of exercise needed to get in peak condition.
Is Suspension Training for Everyone?
Suspension training can be done by anyone, including supervised children, people rehabilitating injuries or advanced athletes. As with any exercise, if in doubt, get a physical exam before beginning. Younger children and older adults with joint problems should consult with a doctor and a professional TRX trainer.
Source : by Chris Montgomery